We want to assure you that we are doing everything within our power to make our Oregon Wine Country B&B a safe haven for your getaway. We ask you to partner with us in creating that safe space throughout your stay with us.
Our health commitment to you:

- All staff is fully vaccinated. We use appropriate hand washing and sanitation throughout the day.
- Hand sanitizer is available in entryway, kitchenette area, coffee station.
- Disinfectant wipes are available at kitchenette area and is provided in every guestroom.
- We will be cleaning guest rooms and common areas in accordance with OHA, AHLA and CDC guidelines with EPA-approved cleaning products.
- An air purifier has been placed on the main floor, in the living room communal area.
- Breakfast seating will be available that allows for at least 6 feet spacing of guest parties. As weather permits, breakfast will be served on the deck. Inside, breakfast is served at individual tables in completely separate rooms of the common space.
- Access to some of our amenities has been altered to prevent lots of hands touching them, so if you want something you don’t see, please ask.
Your health commitment to us:

- If you experience any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or have had any exposure to the virus within the 14-days before your stay with us, please contact us to reschedule your reservation with no cancellation charges.
- We are new to this – aren’t we all? – and if there’s anything confusing or anything we’ve missed, please let us know directly so we can address it.

You can relax at our B&B, knowing that it is safe.
If you have questions or concerns we can address, please reach out to us through phone or email.